Tuesday, July 27, 2010

LGNS 7/25/10

Hope you have started off to a great week. These are the requests from LG on Sunday. Please lift them up in your prayers.
Bates: Prayer for Chad as he is looking and needs to find a job. Leslie's cousin Marci has received news of the cancer spreading to her bones. She is in an extreme amount of pain. She also has two very young children.
Pritchard: Tristan goes to the orthodontist to have an appliance placed in the roof of her mouth. This will widen her upper jaw. She has been the relatively healthy child without many health issues, so please pray for her and that this apparatus will help her not suck her thumb any longer.

Monday, July 5, 2010

LGNS 7/4/10

LGNS 07-04-10
Praise and Prayer Requests:
  • Pritchard: Praise -- Tyler was able to come off one of his medicines and his pressure is considerably lower. Prayer -- Andy and Ty return to NYC this week. Pray for travel mercies and a great report.
  • John Miller: Prayer -- He is at St. Mary's Main Hospital and has fluid around his heart. Pray for the physicians to determine the cause and for him to get better.
  • Coffey: Prayer -- Andrea received a call that one of her best friends from college was in a 4- wheeler accident with her boyfriend. From her understanding the 4-wheeler landed on her head/shoulders, and she was wearing a helmet. She has fractured her upper and lower jaw, lost some teeth, and broke her collar bone for certain. They are transferring her to a trauma hospital. Her name is Alayna Adams and she lives in Memphis. At the time she was in Alabama with our other good friends. Please pray for pain control and fast recovery. She also loves to talk and will most certainly have to have her jaw wired.
  • Prayer Ministries for the class -- Prayerfully consider how the class should proceed in the ministries we offer. Pray for guidance for the entire class and to agree on how to best allocate the monies the church has allotted us for these ministries through the church budget.
  • Cline/Riddle: Prayer -- travel mercies as we travel for vacation next weekend.

Have a great week.