- Mike saw a specialist today and was sent straight to surgery. He had an abscess that was septic.
- Sepsis/septic: Sepsis: Commonly called a "blood stream infection." The presence of bacteria (bacteremia) or other infectious organisms or their toxins in the blood (septicemia) or in other tissue of the body. Sepsis may be associated with clinical symptoms of systemic (bodywide) illness, such as fever, chills, malaise (generally feeling "rotten"), low blood pressure, and mental status changes. Sepsis can be a serious situation, a life threatening disease calling for urgent and comprehensive care. Taken from web site/address: http://www.medterms.com/
script/main/art.asp? articlekey=5449 - The abscess was drained and it was very deep; however, the doctors think he will make a full recovery.
- He will be in the hospital for one week.
- After returning home, he will receive home health care for at least one week
- Mike is in a tremendous amount of pain because of this. Pray for relief from the pain.
- He is also unable to Leah at all and probably will be unable to see her for duration of hospital stay.
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